For driving directions from your address to the ASNMSU Center for the Arts (1000 E. University Avenue), please visit Google Maps.
From the North (Albuquerque):
Take Interstate 25 South to University Avenue, Exit 1. Merge right onto University. ASNMSU Center for the Arts is 1 mile down on your left.
From the South (El Paso):
Merge right onto University. ASNMSU Center for the Arts is 1 mile down on your left.
From the East (Alamogordo):
Take US-70 West to Interstate 25. Exit Interstate 25 South to University Avenue, Exit 1. Merge right onto University. ASNMSU Center for the Arts is 1 mile down on your left.
From the West (Deming): Take the Main Street Exit #142 (off of Interstate 10). Turn right on Main Street, and then right on University Avenue. Continue east on University Avenue about ½ mile. ASNMSU Center for the Arts is on your right.

Parking is available in the Skeen Hall Parking lot, across the street to the west and in the horseshoe, one block to the south.
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