Audition FAQs
Who Can Audition?
AUDITIONS ARE OPEN TO ALL!!! although priority is given first to NMSU theatre majors and second to NMSU students of other majors. (Students do not need to be Theatre Arts majors to be cast.) Occasionally we feature ASTC company members and guest artists in roles as part of our commitment to connecting students with experienced theatre practitioners. We cast community members when it seems to best suit the production’s needs.
When Are Auditions Held?
The American Southwest Theatre Company at NMSU Theatre Arts holds auditions for season productions twice annually. Though the specific date varies, the auditions for the Fall semester productions are traditionally the first Saturday after classes at NMSU begin, and auditions for the Spring semester productions often take place during the Fall. Callbacks are typically held the next day after the audition dates.
Where Are Auditions Listed?
Audition announcements are made on this website in Upcoming Auditions, on our social media platforms (@NMSUTheatre on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok) as well as local newspapers.
What Is Required To Audition?
Auditions traditionally consist of presenting memorized pieces: 60-second monologues or 16-bar cuts of music. Specific audition requirements vary and are stated clearly in each audition announcement. Callbacks consist of readings from the plays and/or singing from the musicals.
Check out these helpful links:
What If I Don’t Know Or Remember How To Prepare Music For My Audition?
If you have any questions or concerns about your musical theatre audition, you can contact our Musical Theatre Instructor, Lisa Hermanson at
Check out these helpful links:
How Do I Sign Up?
Follow the instructions on the Upcoming Auditions page.
Is There A Contract?
Yup! Read and sign the Company Contract!
I Have More Questions!
You can email them to Production Manager Bobbi Masters or Department Head Wil Kilroy.