By Homer
Adapted by Mary Zimmerman
Directed by Larissa Lury
Feb. 16- Feb. 25, 2018
An adventure story, with cyclopes, sea-monsters, shipwrecks, gods and goddesses. The Odyssey, as adapted by Mary Zimmerman, makes thrilling, playful and new one of the most memorable epics of all time. Journey through foreign lands with characters constantly relying on the kindness of strangers, as they search for a way home.
Nick Check Antinous and others
Lajuana Davis Alcinous and others
Joel Fisk Odysseus
Constance Hasapopoulos Eurycleia and others
Melissa Hernandez Helen, Teacher Siren and others
Yamilex Holguin Arete, Phemios, Eurylochus and others
Heather Hosford Muse, Calypso and others
Esmae Leon Athena, Woman, Child
Aliyah Montellano Nausicaa and others
Francesca Perez-Wright Circe, Denizen of Heaven and others
Mozart Pierson Menelaus, Mentor, Neoman and others
Aidan Pohl Telemachus and others
Taylor Rodriguez Eumaeus, Aeolus, Teiresias and others
Matthew Rosales Elpenor, Perimedes and others
Robby Sciortino Zeus, Cyclops and others
William Steele Poseidon, Eteonus and others
Jacob Tellez Hermes, Young Menelaus and others
Melis Derya White Penelope and others
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